Stattbad is a contemporary culture center that used to be an indoor pool. Right now here's an exhibition from the Urban Affairs festival. It's crazy. i love it. I was wandering here the whole day. And i randomly met an artist who kindly offered his installation for a place to sleep if we don't have anywhere to go. Now we can choose from 3 different accommodations and 2 days ago we had to camp in the middle of Berlin cause we couldn't find any hosts. gotta love traveling!
23 July 2009
21:15 | Labels: summer around Europe | 0 Comments
Back in London
I knocked on Kati's door in our squat. A total stranger opened the door. We looked each other silently thinking is the other one Estonian or not.
i said *hi* in Estonian
she answered: *Hi Sirla, I have seen you in Zavood*
(Zavood is a pub in Estonia)
13 July 2009
21:16 | Labels: my favs, summer around Europe | 0 Comments
The Best Fried Potatoes In My Life
I also miss riding a bike, sleeping with sheet and blanket, drinking REAL milk. Now i can cross out fried potatoes for a while.
and i miss all the people i have ever met
10 July 2009
23:50 | Labels: summer around Europe | 0 Comments
yo, cow

The triumph of yesterdays pub hunting was a sleeping place that wasn't full of ticks, cow dung and thistles. I was really happy even when our host tried to ride home drunk with a motorcycle and insisted us to hop on with our huge backpacks.
and a random horse was waiting for us on the door
1 July 2009
16:55 | Labels: summer around Europe | 0 Comments