Even the old Irish people said that the one who throws the shopping cart in the water shall have a good life.
27 June 2009
01:46 | Labels: my favs, summer around Europe | 2 Comments

We were stuck THE WHOLE DAY in a town called Swansea. Lost, tired of walking, endlessly hitchhiked on the wrong turns we were picked up by guys who ehmmm..... the only comment i have is that now i know what the hitchhikers on *Fear&Loathing In Las Vegas* felt. And who names a town *Swansea* anyway? I hate highway M4!
24 June 2009
00:22 | Labels: summer around Europe | 1 Comments
Stencil art
Believe it or not but it's made with a stencil. With 2 of them to be precise. I have never seen so technically correct work in my life (in the streets).
18 June 2009
19:07 | Labels: summer around Europe | 0 Comments
half-ready collage
My whole squat room is full of The Collage and The Stencil is waiting in the corner. I couldn't print it out, so i copied it straight from Kati's computer to the paper. There is no glue, so i use purple wall paint instead. The knife consists of tape and ..... tape. The table is ..um... a tire and a piece of wood. But inspiration is everywhere.
15 June 2009
21:06 | Labels: summer around Europe | 0 Comments